Kylie Jenner & More Celebs Who Rock Sexy Outfits At Coachella 2017!

Coachella is all about the music, fun and fashion. Coachella Festival is an event created in 1999 and usually celebrated at the third or fourth weekend of April. Artists and celebrities participated and performed in this festival.Celebrities like Kendall Jenner, Vanessa Hudgens and Gigi Hadid are attending this festival with their style A- game. Vanessa Hudgens may be given the name of the queen of Coachella because of her huge style statement. Every year her participation is awesome. In 2013 she was in a maxi skirt with jeweled crop- top and tie- dye head scarf. Next year she was in black bandeau and skirt. This time she was in a red dress with a hat looking gorgeous.Kylie Jenner arrived at the Coachella in quite amazing manner. Her hair dye was differently parrot green with black roots. She was in a golden skin dress and rocking this festival. Vanessa Hudgens and her friend participated in this festival in a cool manner. Ariel Winter attended this festival with pink hair. Shay Mitchell poses a topless picture by covering herself with her hair before heading to Coachella.Dove Cameron attended Coachella with friends. Vanessa Hudgens made her pictures in a white bikini and floral hat. Hailee Steinfeld was in funky style while attending the Nylon Midnight Garden Party at Coachella.

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